Cultural Values Report

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Assignment on Ethic Consumer Consulting (Case Study October, 14th 2013) The report on the case study of Kumar, Guruvayurappan, & Banerjee (2010) focusses on the importance of intercultural difference and their implications for marketing. Firstly, the cultural differences regarding the products will be analysedanalyzed considering social classes. Secondly, the ritual experience construction will be explained for different socio-economic classes. Thirdly, new frameworks which are essential to the launch of a new brands based on cultural values will be developed. Question 1: Product differentiation based on cultural values of socio-economic subgroups Not all customers in one country (especially in such a huge country such as India in the case study) can be classified as the same. Therefore, further segmentation is necessary also because of purchase parity (as there is a large income inequality), access to distribution and communication channels as well as cultural values. The report has analysedanalyzed the fairness cream and hair oil sectors and identified differences between the socio-economic consumer groups of middle (“Strivers” and “Seekers”) and upper class (“Global Indians”) based on the four cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede (p.2age..?). The low-income consumer has not been surveyed due to economic constraint which can unables the customer to purchase the desired product. The following paragraphs discuss whether the values resulting from the survey are also reflected in the advertisements (story boards and interpretation) targeting different socio-economic classes. Fairness Creams Both classes differ significantly in their most dominant values in the fairness creams sector: The middle class values co-operation, self-esteem and individualism the most, while the upper consumer class emphasizes respect for work, innovativeness and gift-giving.
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