Cultural Misunderstandings Essay

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Culture is a fusion of social behavior, rules and convictions that binds people together in societies and organizations. It is an amalgam of history, environment and circumstances that sets and organizes the habits and goals of specific groups. Because culture is majorly affected by the environment, it varies from region to region, thus making the culture of each region hard to understand by people from other culture. Habits and customs that are acceptable for some culture might be strange or even unacceptable for others. Culture is represented in many different ways. It might be represented by media, movies, people’s behavior and clothes. All these contribute to the image of a certain culture in the eyes of people from other cultures. Culture is never constant. It develops and changes according to certain events and circumstances. The most important factor of culture change is the people that follow this culture. These people have inherited their culture from their ancestors, and each generation contributes to the improvement, or weakening, of the culture. For example, when education becomes more widespread in a country, the people and consequently the culture of this country improves. Another important factor of culture change is catastrophic events, such as wars, plagues, floods and earthquakes. All these affect the culture of a country in one way or another. For example, the Lebanese civil war majorly contributed to the change of the Lebanese culture, both politically and socially. Natural catastrophes mostly lead to poverty, deaths and immigrations, which are strong obstacles of cultural growth. Interaction with other cultures highly affects the people and hence the culture of a certain country. For example, the

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