Cultural Integration for Ihrm

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Cultural integration for purposes of IHRM The success of any joint venture between Multi-National Enterprises is highly dependent on how well the cultures of two or more countries are integrated (Zeng et al, 2013). In light of this, we have explored the differences between the Australian and Indonesian culture in order to come up with an accommodative and conducive work environment. Language Indonesian’s official language is Bahasa Indonesia; this is the language that is used in schools as well as in conducting business (Wright, 1994). English is not widely used in the country especially among the local people. Government officials and senior business persons however often use English during international interactions (Singh et al, 2005). Most of the people in the middle management ranks can understand English but they may face difficulties in communicating their ideas in English (Wright, 1994). As a result of the possibility of language barrier, we will need to hire interpreters/ translators as well as teach the employees English before training them on any other tasks. Religion and Beliefs A large population in Indonesia is Muslim who strictly observe the practices of their religion. During the Ramadan period, the schedule in terms of sleeping and eating patterns change and consequently this affects the productivity of employees at work (Parnoto & Lyon, 2014). For instance, some employees may leave work early and arrive late while others tend to be generally forgetful. Also during this period, refreshments are usually not served during meetings. When it is time to break the fast, there are large celebrations throughout the country and this day is regarded a national holiday. There are thirteen public holidays a year based on the Muslim customs and practices (Deresky, 2006). The change in employee productivity during the Ramadan period is an event that

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