Cultural Contact Native Americans Summary

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Kelsey Moyes Mr. Benson APUSH Theme Book Rough Draft December 13, 2011 Culture Contact : Native Americans contributions and conflicts 1492 Columbus inferred the natives to be inferior * ------------------------------------------------- “They could easily be commanded and made to work” Enslavement, murder, rape --Decreasing Native population 1520 Aztec Empire falls to Cortes * Cortés described the wealth of the Aztecs in a letter to King Charles, and claimed that he wanted to conquer the territory in the name of Christianity and the Spanish Crown (approved) * At Tenochtitlán, the city believed Cortes was the descendent of the god Quetzalcoatlin of Aztec prophesy Moctezuma saw Cortés' arrival as the fulfillment…show more content…
1852 Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony become active in the Women's New York State Temperance Society. 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is published. 1855 Missouri v. Celia * This case graphically illustrates that enslaved women had no legal recourse when raped by their masters. Although the second article of Section 29 of the Missouri statutes of 1845 forbade anyone "to take any woman unlawfully against her will and by force, menace or duress, compel her to be defiled," Judge William Hall refused to instruct the jury that the enslaved Celia fell within the meaning of "any woman"—giving the jury no latitude to consider Celia's murder of her sexually abusive master a justifiable act of self-defense. 1861-1865 Civil War. Over the objections of Susan B. Anthony, women put aside suffrage activities to help the war effort Nurses, specifically. 1867 Fourteenth amendment passes Congress, defining citizens as "male;" this is the first use of the word male in the Constitution, and Susan B. Anthony forms Equal Rights Association, working for universal suffrage. Church/State Relations : Religion and God in American culture and…show more content…
* Among the issues leading to the war was the British impressments of American sailors into the Royal Navy * Federalists - The political party of Alexander Hamilton, which advocated a strong central government and loose interpretation of the Constitution. * Democratic-Republicans - Party of Jefferson, opposed to the Federalists and their program of strong central government and loose interpretation of the Constitution. 1814 Seize of Spanish Florida * General Andrew Jackson took Pensacola and drove out the British force 1846–48 Mexican-American War * United States recognized the existence of a state of war with Mexico. * After the annexation of Texas in 1845, the United States and Mexico failed to resolve a boundary dispute and President Polk said that it was necessary to deploy forces in Mexico to meet a threatened invasion. 1857–58 Utah

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