Cultivating A Healthy Lifestyle

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CULTIVATING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE What comes to your mind when you think of taking risks with your life – driving recklessly, accidents, smoking? These are certainly risky but do not in reality pose enough risk as some of the ‘harmless’ habits or everyday behaviours which in itself might not look a risk but in accumulated amounts, are the leading causes of death in the world. This could include but not limited to unbalanced nutrition, a lack of physical exercise, sleep deprivation, stress build-up et al. Sounds familiar? Yeah, probably part of the reasons why the life expectancy of Nigeria is far lower than that of other developing nations. However, developing a healthy life is a choice we have to make. Share with me this quote from Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister in the 19th century: “The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a State depend.” In this age of alcohol addictions, fast foods, obesity, the rat race and various kinds of environmental pollution, developing this culture, though difficult, could be easier only if you would EAT, PLAY, RELAX and BALANCE. Yes, it’s that simple. EAT – build up good energy To get a better understanding of how our food affects our health, think about the human body as a machine and the food as the fuel. The old adage, you are what you eat, still rings true. The truth is that most of us don't get the "fuel" we need each day to maintain our bodies. We either eat too much of the foods that cause our bodies to give out quickly or don't drink enough fluids to stay properly hydrated.  If you eat a variety of foods in the recommended amount throughout the day, you will ensure that your body is getting the food it needs to stay healthy. Everyone can recite the components of a balanced diet but do not make conscious attempts to eat balanced meals. 
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