Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions, such as the individual’s school teachers, social worker and GP. They aim to provide an integrated way of working to support children, young people and families. It is a way of working that ensures children and young people who need additional support have exactly the right professionals in place to support them. It may also help to identify any issues at an early stage of life, therefore giving the child and its family time to seek the support they require. 1.2 There can be many positive outcomes and the best standard of life for an individual can be reached providing the multi-agencies that are involved work together accordingly, sharing information and reflecting on it to implement plans and aim to achieve the end goal, reaching the full potential for the child or young person.
• Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice are actively promoted. • Children and young people’s health and well-being are actively promoted. • Children and young people’s educational needs are given high priority to ensure that they reach their full potential. • Children and young people’s personal and physical safety is safeguarded, whilst allowing for risk and challenge, as appropriate to the capabilities of the child or young person. • Self-esteem and resilience are recognised as essential to every child or young person’s development.
The ever child matters has five outcomes that practitioners and other agencies should be following so we can work together to provide the best outcomes for children in our care. The five outcomes are: be healthy stay safe enjoy and achieve make a positive contribution achieve economic well being The EYFS states the importance of different professionals working together and how it will help improve positive outcomes for a child in their development and learning.Sometimes observations are shared with a professional who can support the child's needs, or a child's records may be shared with other professionals who can help deliver a positive outcome for that child.Different professionals working together means every child is supported to reach their full potential and it is our duty to provide that to children in our care.It is important for all the different services working with the child share information and communicate efficiently to ensure the best support for the child. analyse how integrate working practices and multi
* To assist and ensure there is a good happy atmosphere at all sessions. * To assist and take time to listen and respond to the children and encourage them to develop. * To assist, encourage and maintain equality of opportunity for all the children within the group. 1.2 - The early years sector is very well regulated and all staff, and the setting that they work in. We must follow the various standards that in many cases have been set down by the law, such as the Childcare Act 2006 and the Health and Safety Work Act 1974.
While it is important to create an attractive environment, everything should be safe, secure and have a purpose that supports each area of the children’s development. By providing the right environment you will be able to promote the children’s physical, intellectual, emotional, social and linguistic development. We can also contribute to a positive environment by displaying children’s work on wallboards, pictures of them working. We can put their photo with their names under it, so that they can learn how are their name written and encourage them to do it themselves. On the outdoor they
Introduction to personal development in health, social care or children and young people’s settings Understand what is required for competence in own work role See job description Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out National standards are set to ensure that there are principles and values in place so that children receive the best possible opportunity to thrive, develop and grow in the child care setting. These include the: Children Act 2004 This Act aims to achieve positive outcomes for children and young people by: * Improving and integrating children’s services * Promoting early intervention * Providing strong leadership * Bringing together different professionals in multidisciplinary teams National Occupational Standards This describes the values, knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that are necessary to do a specific job. These provide the basis of national qualifications such as NVQs. The Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC) induction standards set out what new workers should be able to do after 6 months in the post. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) welfare requirements These are designed to support providers in creating settings which are welcoming, safe, stimulating, allowing children to grow in confidence, enjoy learning and fulfil their potential.
• Be healthy • Stay Safe • Enjoy and Achieve • Make a positive contribution • Achieve Economic well being. Rules builds up trust, a common standard for children and young people and I feel it is essential for young people to learn respect for others , self-control and social interaction with others. All schools have policies and they are not stand alone as they have to relate to Local Authority and national guidelines. e.g The Children's Act 2004. The reason for these policies are to promote positive behaviour and all schools have policies on : • Behaviour • Bullying • Child Protection • Equal Opportunities As a TA it is our responsibility to find out about the role of staff, rewards and sanctions and training.
2.3 Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice. Theories of development and frameworks to support development are incredibly important to us when working with children. They help us to understand children, how they react to things, situations, their behaviour and the way they learn. Different theories and ways of working with children have come together to provide frameworks for children’s care, such as Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is used within all child care settings. This encourages us to work together, help and check the development of babies, children and young people, to keep them healthy and safe.
support each child in their learning and work with parents and carers as partners in children’s learning and development. understand your responsibilities in meeting the learning and development and safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS. oversee the educational programmes to ensure that all areas of learning are includedand that assessment is consistent and used well to inform planning. promote equality and diversity and have a clear overview of the progress of all the children who attend. evaluate your provision, use this information to identify priorities for development and set challenging targets for improvement, with a focus on children’s achievements.
Assessment Task – CYP Core 3.6 WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE BENEFIT OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. Q 1.1 . Explain the importance of multi-agency and integrated working? A. Multi-agency working is about different services, agencies and teams of professionals and other practitioners working together to provide services that fully meet the needs of children, young people and their parents or carers. Integrated working focuses on enabling and encouraging professionals to work together effectively to deliver frontline services.