They will also be less likely to develop emotional problems like depression or anxiety. Adults have got to take children seriously, listen to them, make them feel that they are important, encourage children to try things out for themselves. This can be done by being close by to them, so they know there is an adult there if they need them. This often gives them more confidence to try things. It is always good to praise the children when they are able to achieve something and to keep giving them encouragement all of the way.
Unit 5: Develop Positive Relationship with Children, Young People and Others Involved in Their Care. 1. Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people. 1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people and how these are built and maintained Positive relationship with children and young people is important because they help children to develop their independence, self esteem and wellbeing. A child will always play and learn better when they are comfortable in their surroundings.
CYP Core 3.6: Working together for the benefit of children and young people. 1. Understand intergrated and multi-agency working. 1.1 Explain the importance of multi-agency working and integrated working. Multi-agency working is a successful way of supporting children and families with additional needs.
Develop Positive Relationship with C.Y.P and Others Involved in their Care It is important to have a positive relationship with children and young adults because if they feel comfortable and secure with the adult and their setting weather it is a childminder, a nursery or a school they will separate more easily from their parent /carer, if they feel emotionally secure they are more likely to participate in the play and learning activities. Children need to have a strong relationship with the staff to feel comfortable and secure this will help them to enjoy themselves and less likely to show unwanted behaviour. From the staffs point of view a close relationship means they learn to recognise their needs and are able to meet these needs, the staff can also recognise their expressions and emotions and are able to respond quickly and more effectively to the child, this makes the child more comfortable and confident so they then talk to the staff enabling their language to develop weather they are very young and just learning to speak or are older and learning more complex words and sentences. A strong relationship is also needed so that the staff knows the child they know where they sit on a development chart and can plan activities that the child will enjoy and be interested in and will develop from. One of the most important ways to build a relationship is communications whether it is smiling and cooing to a new born baby or having a discussion with a young adult effective communication is a must.
Unit 5 Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and others involved in Their Care 5.1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained Positive relationships with the children and young people with whom we work is important because relationships between carers and children can have a profound effect on the child and greatly enhance a childs learning and development whereas a negative relationship would likely have the opposite effect on the child. Positive relationships with children help to create a comfortable, safe, secure and hopefully happy environment for a child thus enabling the child to separate more easily from parents, behave better in the setting, develop appropriately and learn through active participation in play activities as they are likely to feel emotionally secure with the adults around them. The positive relationship also gives the care workers a better understanding of the child and aids planning and development of the child for the professional. Building and maintaining effective relationships is something people learn to do naturally and it involves effective communication with the child which is differs depending on the age of a child so for example a baby recognises communication in a tangible sense, holding, cuddling, stroking the baby’s cheek, from this the baby knows you are there and are caring for them. A teenager would need a different approach, for example simply chatting to them about their likes and dislikes, this shows them that you are interested in them as an individual.
1 - Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people | | 1.3 - evaluate own effectiveness in building relationships with children or young people | | It is important to have positive relationships with children to help build a child’s self-esteem and confidence and also to give them a feeling of acceptance within their new environment. It is very important to not only gain the trust of a child, but to also build on that trust so the child feels comfortable and protected whilst in your care. When building positive relationships with children you need to listen to the child and learn how they communicate and express their feelings and how they show their emotions so that the child feels that they are understood. It is good to praise children and encourage them and not to be critical or negative towards them. To maintain a positive relationship with children, there is a need for the child to understand that you will be there for them to listen to and work through any problems in a calm and relaxed manner.
It is also important for the children that we model effective communication skills, this means checking what we are saying in moments of stress or excitement, we ask the children to behave in a certain way when communicating and sometimes forget that ourselves if we do this they will struggle to understand the boundaries of what is acceptable. Effective communication does just not happen though, we need to constantly think about how we are coming across, how we relate to others and the messages we send out. In situations where communication breaks down, this can lead to misunderstandings and bad feelings. The principles of relationship building with adults, children and young people are that if they are comfortable in our company they will be more likely to communicate with us, where people do not get along they are more likely to avoid one another wherever possible and they might even be suspicious of one another. Positive relationships should not just be left to chance, it is important that we develop them, we build relationships every day without necessarily thinking about it but we do need consider whether we do everything possible to make that great relationship.
Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults TDA 3.1 TDA 3.1 Name: Pin:_______________________ Name: Pin:_______________________ 1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. Effective communication is very important. The way we communicate with someone will determine and influence the way the relationship grows. We modify how we talk and how we respond depending on the individual. If we use effective communication to build up a positive relationship it is remembered by both parties.
Unit CCLD 301 Develop and promote positive relationships Amy Simpson K3C154 – Good working relationships are vital to the setting. They help to provide a positive environment that can be experienced by everyone. If staff get along well and the morale is high, parents are more likely to put trust in us to look after their children effectively. Children will feel secure and content; staff members may seem more approachable. This applies to the way the parents feel about us too, perhaps they will be more open to discussion as they will feel valued and welcome.
Consistency and Patience will help you build this relationship. It is most important to develop these relationships with younger children because it plays a role in socialising that child. When developing positive relationships with adults good communication allows you to get a better understanding of the child. You may not have been made aware of any allergies etc. It will also give the parents peace of mind; they will feel happy leaving their child in your and your colleagues care.