Cu1516 Essay

1975 Words8 Pages
Overview | This standard identifies the requirements when you support individuals who have specific communication needs. This includes identifying individuals’ specific communication preferences and needs, supporting individuals to interact with other people and monitoring communication to identify changing needs. * * | Performance criteriaYou must be able to:You must be able to:You must be able to: | * * * Identify individuals’ communication preferences and needs * P1 access information about the individual’s communication and language needs where information is not available or appears incomplete, use other strategies and sources to identify the individual’s communication and language needs observe the individual, their behaviour and communication cues to help you understand how the individual communicates and what specific messages they are communicatingpay full attention to the individual when listening to themseek appropriate support when you have problems understanding and interpreting the individual’s communicationsseek appropriate support when the individual has problems understanding youwork with the individual, key people and others to identify the communication methods that best meet the individual's needscomplete records and reports on communication needs and processes according to legal and work setting requirements * * Support individuals to interact through communication * support the individual to express their wishes about who they wish to communicate with and the ways in which they wish to communicatesupport the individual to overcome barriers they experience when communicating with otherssupport the individual to develop communication methods and skills that will enable them to be understood by otherssupport the individual to acquire any specific equipment to enable them to communicatesupport the individual to
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