Crossing by Mark Slouka Essay

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------------------------------------------------- Crossing The short story, ‘Crossing’, is written by Mark Slouka. The short story is about a some-what depressed father who tries to bond with his younger son, through manly things he did with his own dad when he was a boy – They are on a ‘survival trip’ in the nature. But something goes wrong when they are trying to cross a river with a reckless current. Firstly the reader is presented to the father who has had a hard life after the divorce with his wife, through a third person limited narrator. The father probably don’t have anything else in his life, since his wife divorced him, than his son, and that’s why the father is so determined to bond with his son so he won’t lose him as well. The mother seems really distant to the father of her child and former husband, “when he looked at her she shook her head and looked away and at that moment he thought, maybe – maybe he could make this right” (line 19-20, page 1) and that makes the father pursue something unique to have with his son, something the son can’t have with his mom. That’s why the father takes him on the same trip, he went on with his dad when he was young himself – making his son inherit some of the experiences he had with his own father back when he was young. An example of how the father is feeling after the divorce with his former wife is when they are at the mother’s house “He sat in the driveway for a while looking at the yard, the azaleas he’d planted, the grass in the yard beaten flat by the rain” (p. 1. Line 13-14) this could easily be interpreted as how he feels about the whole divorce and how he felt his wife treated him when divorcing him. You get the feeling that the father thinks the mother and him are strangers to each other after the divorce. “He went inside, wiping his shoes ad ducking his head like a visitor” (p. 1. Line 15-16) but
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