Cross Cultural Savvy

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How to be cross-cultural savvy. 1. Learn about the cultural do's and taboos of your target markets. 2. Use humor carefully across cultures. What is funny in one culture may be rude in another. 3. When communicating across cultures never assume the other party has understood. Be an active listener. Summaries what has been said in order to verify it. This is a very effective way of ensuring accurate cross cultural communication has taken place 4. Explore Expectations. Conduct a self-assessment of your expectations, both for your professional and personal life abroad. 5. Make Contact. Find someone who has had an overseas assignment, ideally in the same country and preferably with your company. Arrange a phone conversation or meeting with the individual to garner a firsthand account of the expatriate experience. 6. Be sure to try new things, particularly foods when in another country. 7. Be brave but safe, confident but humble…don’t be afraid to simply open the dictionary to the right page and just show it to the person with whom you are speaking; learn where the street signs are-sometimes they are on the corner, sometimes on the side of the building, sometimes on the sidewalk. 8. Watch Your Body Language. Gestures (e.g. pointing) or unconscious habits (e.g. maintaining direct eye contact) may be offensive in other cultures. 9. Don't show impatience or irritation. Politeness and respect matter. 10. Avoid public criticism or comparison with your own country. 11. Familiarize yourself with customs surrounding gift-giving and business

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