Cross-Cultural Psych Essay

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Cross Cultural Psychology Cross-Cultural Psychology Behavior can be strongly influenced through biological tendencies; however, all behavior can be influenced by experience. Culture remains one important factor shaping individual behavior through customized sets of attitudes, beliefs, and values shared by a large population of region (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). The goal of cultural psychology is to find the meaningful links underlying cultural influence and behavior; in relation, cross-cultural psychology seeks to explain the vast diversity between varying regions through critical, comparative studies of culture. Through research methods, psychologists can conduct varying scientific experiments to test, study, and explain cultural effects on human behavior. However, critical thinking becomes vital to sound evidence, to help avoid biased information relating to description and explanation. This hub will discuss the definitions of both cultural and cross-cultural psychology, analyze the relationship between the two fields of study, discuss the role of critical thinking in cross-cultural psychology, and also, the methodology associated. Defining Cultural and Cross-Cultural Psychology Our genetic makeup, in itself, can only partially explain and describe human behavior; however, as behavior is influenced by biological tendencies, all behavior can be shaped by experience (Segall, Dasen, Berry & Poortinga, 1999). In experience, cultural influence becomes a main factor shaping diversity in behavior. Culture, as defined as “a set of attitudes, behaviors, and symbols shared by a large group of people and usually communicated from one generation to the next,” can vary from place to place impacting individual behavior across regions (Shiraev & Levy, 2010, p. 3). The goal of cultural psychology is to uncover significant relationships between culture and the
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