Criticizing Model Essay

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Ms: Twuangrat Thaksin Criticizing model I decide to criticize the Kachru’s three-circle model of World Englishes. Here is the picture of the model. , Kachru divides his “World Englishes” into three circles-the inner, the outer, and the expanding circle. Each circle refers to the form of language acquisition and the pattern of the language. He states that the origin of English language is Britain then it was spread to other countries. After the diasporas, there are some countries acquire this language and use it as the nation language (ENL) while some use it as the second language (ESL) which they still use their own language as well in their countries. The last group is the countries that use English as foreign language (EFL) just for some purposely such as communication with native speakers. He put the countries which use English as a nation language in the inner circle, this group including U.K., U.S.A, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries use English as their mother tongue. Kachru also explain that the speakers of this circle determine the English-language standard; called norm-providing. They build the pattern of the language. The second circle is the outer circle. This group includes the countries which use English as the second language such as India, Malaysia, Philippine, Nigeria, and Singapore. He calls the language which used in this circle norm-developing. It means the speakers in this circle use the language that spread from the inner circle then they develop their own standard with the language. Sometimes the pattern is different from the inner’s norm because they combine their own language pattern to the English pattern. For example Singaporeans always mix Malayan or Chinese with English language like “Go makan”; let’s have something to eat, the another sample is “Qian mian turn right” means “in front turn right”. This
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