Critically Evaluate Eysencks Approach to Personality

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Within our everyday life we constantly come across people that we have never met before, and when meeting these people it is their character, the way they behave and feel which interests us. This is known as a person’s personality, personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique (Psychology.about, 2012). The way people are interested in the way others behave is similar to that of personality psychologists when trying to understand how and why an individual has a certain type of personality. There are a number of theories which explain personality within their own school of thought. One of these is trait theories. Different trait theories use different amounts of traits when measuring an individual’s personality. These traits are the characteristics of an individual’s personality, for example, when asked to describe somebody’s personality you may describe them has shy or aggressive, these are known as traits. One well known trait theorist is Hans Eysenck: Han Eysenck (1916-1997) was a British psychologist and the founding editor of the journal of Personality and Individual Differences (Education Forum, 2012). In his book The Structure of Human Personality, Eysenck defines personality as being ‘the more or less stable and enduring organization of a person’s character, temperament, intellect, and physique, which determines his unique adjustment to the environment’ (Eysenck, 1960, p.2). Originally Eysenck’s model of personality was made up by two main personality factors (traits) which were; introversion (quiet, unsociable) - extroversion (outgoing, sociable) and Neurotic (unstable) – Normal (stable) (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2009). He called these factors super traits. Eysenck describes how we respond to both internal and external stimuli; and that these responses vary depending on the situation. So
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