Critically Analyse the Impact That Group Processes Have Had on Your Group Communication

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The impact of group processes that has upon group communication Communication is essential in many aspects of life ever since, it has been existed long before verbal language was developed (Harrub, Thompson & Miller, 2003). Group communication is more complex than communication between two individuals (Steinberg, 2007), and group process are the factors that has positive or negative impacts on the group communication such as group cohesion, conflicts and resolution and group structure and formation (Hazelwood & Shakespeare-Finch, 2011). Steinberg (2007) suggested number of advantages and disadvantages group work, such as more collaborative, increase motivation, explore more possibilities; therefore it is important enhance the advantage and diminish the disadvantage by making good use of the group processes since they are the determinants for developing successful, efficient and effective group communication (Hazelwood & Shakespeare-Finch, 2011). This essay will use communication theories to discuss and analyze how group processes had impact on a group communication experience I personally had, in terms of group formation and structure, group climate and cohesion, conflict and resolution and finally my strengths, weaknesses and future goals. Group formation and structure The group communication experience I will reflect on is a group presentation assessment, we were assigned to develop health promotion program to reduce farm injuries in rural areas. Our group is formed during a tutorial session, and we were asked to form a group of five by the end of the tutorial. Hazelwood & Shakespeare – Finch (2011) mentioned the five stage of group development which is forming, storming, norming, preforming and adjourning, the first and third stages will be discussed. Seethamraju and Borman (2009) stated that “group formation is influenced by for
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