Critical Theory and Post Modernism

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Critical Theory and Postmodernism in Organization Name Subject Institution Date Thesis Statement Both critical theory and postmodernism contributes to the development of healthy relation between technology, organization, management and employee. This discussion presents a critical inquiry into the ideological nature of Human Relations management theory and its strategies for the management of subjectivity and organizational culture. The epistemological challenges put forward by post- Modernism and critical theory highlights a very basic trajectory and underlying values of an organization. Introduction An organization is a consciously coordinated social entity with distinct boundaries which functions to achieve goals. It has an activity system linked to the external environment (cannot exit on itself). An organization consists of people, things, knowledge and technologies. Post- modernist assumption of reality is objectivism and view organizations as real entities which exist in the objective world. Organizations are viewed as real entities driven by rationality to achieve efficiency and organizational objectives/goals. When organizations are well-managed, they are systems of decision and action driven by norms of efficiency/ and or effectiveness, rationality, for the stated objectives. Critical theory and postmodernism approaches to organizational relation provides a precise, understandable and useful overview of critical theory and postmodernism in organization. Interest in the relationship between the critical theory and postmodernism in relation to technology, organization, employee and management is increasing, as it can be witnessed in today’s world. The postmodernists argue that organization performance and simulation, is characterized by uncertainty, complexity and contradiction. The critical theory approach criticizes that the fundamental truths

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