Critical Issue Analysis-Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

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Critical Issue Analysis Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) is a system of psychological debriefing, which has achieved extensive acknowledgment and utilization over a small time since it was introduced (Mitchell, 1983). This type of critical issue analysis investigates the article of each side in the use of CISD. One side states that it is more harmful than good to an individual or the other side (Mitchell), which states that the two authors Cotton and Devilly interpreted and embellished vital information about the psychological debriefing and disconcerted many features of the system acknowledging human survivors (Halgin, 2009). Two Facts of Critical Issue What are at least two facts presented by each side of critical issue? According to Cotton and Devilly, 2004, psychology debriefing is not always necessary when traumatic stress issues manifests. Cotton and Devilly believe that using crisis intervention stress debriefing (CISD) and the crisis intervention stress management (CISM) were more damaging than helpful. They contemplated intermittent approaches for treating trauma survivors, which they believed could be more counterproductive. Mitchell suggests that Cotton and Devilly’s research was erroneous because psychological debriefing and CISD are not similar, and that psychological debriefing is more of an exclusive therapy. He also stated the CISD works better with group settings. CISD also handles traumatic stress after a disaster strike or incident, covering larger groups of people. CISD was suggested to an individual or group after several weeks or months after the incident took place. In most cases it was only offered if the individual specifically requested crisis intervention. According to the article,
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