Critical Essay On How Much Land Does A Man Need?

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Critical Essay on How Much Land Does a Man Need? During the time How Much Land Does a Man Need? was written, America was going through the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution gave families financial freedom and paved the way for major social change. This change is still hard at work in our American lives today for the good and the bad, its your choice how you use it. This story written by Leo Tolstoy is a warning against what happens when we give in to bad(greed) readily found in this modern life style. Tolstoy is challenging us to question our own self-awareness. The story begins with two sisters, one is a old school country farmer wife while the other is the modern city wife. The farmers wife is telling her sister of the freedom and security found in the simple country life. Also saying that her life was content but not complete. Pahom the husband of the country wife agrees with her but wishes they had more land to farm. “Our only trouble is that we haven’t enough. If I had plenty of land, I shouldn’t fear the Devil himself!” When Pahom is speaking, the devil himself is listening. It is then the devil finds his way into Pahoms life in order to bring about destruction. The story continues with Pahom ever gaining more land to farm. The more land he gains the farther from his fellow man he goes. This a man trying to fill a spiritual void with physical things. Pahom was closer to fulfillment when he had fellowship with his neighbor. By choosing to pursue physical gain in lieu of spiritual gain, Pahom not only suffers but all those around him suffer as well. So the choices we make for ourselves also effect everyone within our community. You can take it even farther by saying our community effects the larger society and that the larger society effects the rest of the world. So in essence our individual actions ripple out into the rest of the world.

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