Critical Analysis of Anti-War Poetry

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ENGLISH 100 ESSAY COVER SHEET NAME: EVELYN HOVE STUDENT NUMBER: 755131 TUTOR; DANIELLE SHERLOCK DIAGONAL: D WORD COUNT: 1702 DUE DATE: TUESDAY 27TH AUGUST 2013 Plagiarism Declaration I declare that this is my independent work. Where I have consulted secondary sources, I have acknowledged them appropriately. In particular – please check the boxes. * I have acknowledged all arguments that I have summarized or paraphrased from other sources □ * I have acknowleged all ideas or expressions – words, phrases etc – derived from other sources □ * I have provided bibliographical details of all primary and secondary materials used □ * I have not copied anything from anyone else’s essay □ I UNDERSTAND WHAT CONSTITUTES PLAGIARISM AND I DECLARE THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, I HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANY PLAGIARISM. Signed:_______________________________________________________________________ The United States of America waged a war against communist North Vietnam in the 1960’s in its attempt to quash the spread of communist ideology in Asia. As part of a growing anti-war protest movement Denise Levertov’s ‘What were they like?’ and Bob Dylan’s ‘With God on our side’ poems contributed a voice and expression to the escalating civil society outcry against the bombing of Vietnam and the conscription of American soldiers in a war which made little economic or moral sense to the greater American public. This essay analyzes both poets ability to effectively use various poetic devices in choice of structure, language, tone, themes, rhythm and context to enunciate the horrors or meaninglessness of the Vietnamese war. “’Context’ is a term traditionally used by literary critics to identify a range of external factors which formed a ‘background’ at the time the text is written, and can be shown to have had some kind of impact on its writing or meaning. A

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