Criminals: A Benefit to Society

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In today’s world there is an ever increasing criminal problem, in all aspects of society, and its many subcultures. Many theories have come out throughout the years to try to solve the problem of criminal behavior, and others to try to understand the criminal mind, in order to, ultimately, end this unfortunate act of what people do to one another. Street gangs have been a terrible blight upon civil society, since their creation, none the least in our own nation, but these are often founded on race, though gangs continue to band together based on common interests and circumstances. Rape is a crime that time and time again gets large media attention, whether it is toward a minor or not. Not only are there crimes against persons, murder and rape for examples, but there are plenty of crimes that exist in the white collar corporate world, most famous recently being Mr. Madoff. All of the afore mentioned fall into this writer’s plans to deal with such degenerates to society, by drawing influence from the Classical School of Criminology, especially the Classical Theory, by implementing public hangings and a reduction of the appeal process. In the subculture of the street gangs “cred.” and other such like forms of respect, that society in mass frown upon, are an essential part of the gang member’s lifestyle. If authorities had a way of showing these gang members that their activities would not give them in so sort of “honorable” badge of honor by serving some jail time, or even killing someone, then maybe the gang members would see what would befall a person that deviates from the law. Maybe if after a known gang member is arrested for one of the more heinous of crimes; murder, rape, drug dealing, etc., then instead of same jail time, or a slap on the wrist, a far more re-memorable something would happen. Which the punishment would be a public hanging,
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