Criminal Justice Research Methods

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Seminar 1 Whitney McClain Research Methods in Criminal Justice CJ490 Seminar 1 When thinking about Criminal Justice as a whole, you have to think about the research methods that are involved to reach the conclusions that are given at the end of an investigation. There are four main types of research that are defined as: Descriptive, Exploratory, Explanatory, and finally Evaluation. Each of these methods has their own methods, and they each stand for something different. Descriptive research is defined as: “The primary focus of many studies of youth crime and violence.” (Bachman,Schutt, 2007) According to the textbook, this method focuses more on the statistics of crime. This could be anything from trying to figure…show more content…
This could be anything from trying to figure out what it is like to be a serial killer, by taking in the information that is not structured and clear, it gives you the chance to truly research the topic. Explanatory research is defined as: “Seeks to identify causes and effects of social phenomena, to predict how one phenomenon will change or vary in response to variation in some other phenomenon.” (Bachman,Schutt, 2007) According to the textbook this method focuses more on trying to understand the evolution of why someone gets involved with crime. By establishing the causes and the reasoning behind why people get involved with crime, you can better understand the offender…show more content…
They could either feel inferior to the idea of their spouse, or partner coming after them, or just plain fear the idea of being alone. Some women do not know who to contact, or are too afraid to contact anyone for the same reasons as above. It is quite upsetting to sit back and look at all the women that do go through this process and have to fight this. No individual should have to be forced into accepting domestic violence, period. The last question truly upsets me, because the amount of damage that domestic violence can do to a child that young is crucial. I am a firm believer of that you are a product of your own environment, and if you allow your children to be brought into a violent situation, that they could then take on the qualities of the individual that is beginning the violence in the first place. Children do as they see, not always as they are old, so as adults, it is our responsibility to take charge and understand what our actions are saying to our children.

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