Criminal Investigations Past and Present

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Criminal Investigations Past and Present Lakesha Wilson Everest University In what ways have our historic roots affected the manner in which criminal investigations are conducted in the United States today? FBI agents have been around since 1908. This happened during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. An attorney by the name of Charles Bonaparte came up with getting special agents together to form this team. The two men first met when they both spoke at a meeting of the Baltimore Civil Service Reform Association. Roosevelt, then Civil Service commissioner, boasted of his reforms in federal law enforcement (FBI 2007). When the Bureau of Investigation first started they mainly investigated abuses of laws involving national banking and bankruptcy. They received their first brake in June 1910. According to an article with The Federal Bureau of Investigation that’s when the Mann ("White Slave") Act was passed, making it a crime to transport women over state lines for immoral purposes. In the present FBI agents have come a long way thanks to the historic roots they now know how to deal with terrorist attacks. Like the one we had on September 11 in 2001. Then you have forensic science. During the late 1800s forensic consisted of skills like body temperature to determine time of death and the regular routine of fingerprinting to identify victims. In 1921 they used portable lie detector machines. Other findings during this time are voiceprint documentation tools and early DNA study. Who would have thought how far forensic science could go? Modern forensics uses great skills and has stretched their skills to include computer forensics, DNA forensics and superior genetic studies. Crime scene investigation continues to experience speedy technological developments. When we look back we see that contemporary criminal investigation owes its genesis to

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