Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Essay

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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease , or CJD, is a horrible degenerative neurological disorder that is incurable and nearly 100% fatal. In CJD, the brain slowly turns into a sponge like texture, killing the patient, and also stripping them of their humanity day by day. There are three main strains of CJD; Sporadic CJD (SCJD), Variant CJD (VCJD), and Familial CJD (FCJD). One of the most frightening types of CJD would be the Sporadic CJD. This strain of CJD is actually Iatrogenic, which simply means is physician induced. CJD cannot be sterilized off of a serological tool, thus if the tool is ever reused, the disease will be transferred to the new patient. Sporadic CJD is just that, sporadic. The brain-eating proteins, also called prions, can just accidently form from a misprinted protein. Familial CJD would be the genetic variant of this disease, the prions sticking to the parents DNA, thus being passed down to their offspring. The first sign of CJD is dementia, which leads to severe memory loss. Hallucinations and personality changes come soon after. Extreme exhaustion, loss of coordination, seizures, speech impairments, and many other symptoms are usually the precursors to this disease. CJD is hardly ever confused with simple dementia or Alzheimer’s due to the rapid progress of the symptoms. In normal Alzheimer’s or dementia, the symptoms take months to evolve, while in CJD symptoms evolve and worsen in days. These symptoms are a result of the destruction of the many nerve cells located in the brain. Though there aren’t any technical nerves in the brain, all of the nerves in the body meet in the common location of the brain. This is why the complete dehumanizing of CJD is possible. The timespan of this disease can vary slightly, mostly dependant of the strain of the disease itself. Patients with FCJD and some SCJD can experience symptoms from months to years, while VCJD

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