Creative Writing: Smokey's Funeral

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As I slowly, but steadily walk down the endless sidewalk, I see a large, old creepy house. I decide to enter. As I open the door, I hear a creaky noise. I slowly creep up the stairs. I hear thuds and booms and bangs. I feel the hairs on my neck rise up. As I enter the room, it is pitching dark. All I hear is the rage of silence flood my mind. I hear a sharp hiss interrupting my thoughts. I tightly close my eyes shut then I open them. Light beams the entire room. Out of nowhere, a Smokey, black coffin sits right in the middle of the bright room. I try to find a way back out, but the doors are locked! The key hangs on the coffin which was not there a couple of seconds ago. I have no choice but to approach the coffin and snatch the key. I breathe…show more content…
All of a sudden, a pale hand reaches out from the coffin and grabs my arm, unwilling to let go. The touch of the hand feels as hot as sun beating down on my back, but so cold that I feel goose bumps slithers up my arm. Most of all, I feel the trouble boiling up in my stomach...climbing up my throat for a way out. I shout for help, but no one can hear me. I have no choice but to BITE the petrifying arm! It tastes like raw meat, but worse! I quickly grab the key and shove it in the lock like a spoon being forced into a mouth. I swing the door open and smile to myself knowing I won the battle of the ugly arm. I march down the creepy stairs and take a quick, second look at the dust rising from the floorboard. I look behind me thinking that I will see a hand, but, instead, I see the whole body! I run down the rest of the stairs and wipe the smile off my face. I'm almost to the door. I inhale a big breath of stale air and, with all my might, run to the door and open it. I don't take one glimpse behind me. I shut the door as hard as I can. The smile reappears on my face like a magic act. I know that no one will ever believe this, but I am 100% sure that I will NEVER go in that house...EVER
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