Creating a World Without Poverty

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GEORGE THOLE ID UB24359SAN32699 COOURSE NAME: PHASE II ASSIGNMENT STUDENT PROFILE ANTLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY GEORGE THOLE ID UB24359SAN32699 COURSE SEMINAR CREATING A WORLD WITHOUT POVERTY SOCIAL BUSINESS AND THE FUTURE OF CAPITALISM WRITTEN BY MUHAMMAD YUNUS ESSAY PRESENTED TO ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE PROGRAM ANTLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Creating a world without poverty If one looks at the global income distribution, one notes that 90% of world income is held by 40% of people while less than 10% goes to 60% of the world’s population greater of which live on less than a dollar a day. Notably poverty is not equally distributed. Regions such as sub –Saharan Africa Anglophone Africa, South Asia and Latin America suffer most as hundreds of poor people struggle for survival worsened by periodic disasters like the 2004 Tsunami killing poor and vulnerable people and widening the gap between rich and poor. In pursuit of ending world poverty socialistic ideologies are overridden by capitalistic dominance. It is witnessed that competition among communist Soviet Union and Capitalistic giants led to the fall of United Soviet Socialistic republic in 1991. Today we see capitalistic countries exhibiting evident wealth as they continue to grow. Multinational corporations in these countries are spreading wings in developing countries and even the Soviet Union its self. The corporates endeavour to advance technological innovations and scientific discoveries through global trade and business but its benefiting only a few. A new kind of business that would take into cognisance the poor and give them a fair share of the economic and social cake is inevitable Taking a look at china before the 70s, it was highly populated with the world’s most poor. Economic reforms introduced were
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