Coyotes Reflection Essay

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English 11 A Coyote's Reflection The character Coyote within the Trickster tales of North American Indian oral traditions is mischievous, he will do anything to save himself, when he is grateful he will give back, when you betray him he will seek revenge. From the beginning of time Coyote was assigned to be the protector of humans. We see humanity and maybe ourselves in these stories. Coyote, protector of humans and a character of a human. In the Indian stories we have read in class we gear many stories of coyote and his ways of life. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me, should be the theme of this characters life and human life. Coyote is very smart but not smart enough. We humans think we are smart just because we are humans. Everyday we fall in traps, not literally but figuratively. Traps, like when we are fooled by our enemies into thinking we can trust them when next thing we know they have just finished us off. We are always fooled whether its false advertisements or whether its false trust. All these things can ruin us, even Coyote. But then with some help we can all get right back on track. One things for sure, coyote's most valuable thing to him is his pride. Coyote does not care if he takes credit from some one else as long as he it recognized and put on top . People do that too, in jobs, in school, Anywhere ! Sometimes we don’t care as long as we are the one's who are shining. What we think because we are humans we can do whatever we want to because we think we are so smart and we know whats best for the world. Some of us might actually know whats right for this world but some are totally wrong, but sometimes when you believe in something so much and don’t care whats going around us we just do it not realizing what we are jeopardizing as long as we keep our pride in what we do. Coyote does a great job of playing

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