Covalent Bonding-Molecular Models

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September.22nd, 2013 Laboratory #5 Covalent Bonding-Molecular Models 1.A)Which of the electrons in a atom are used when predicting how the atom will bond with another atom? B)How is the periodic table used to determine the number or these electrons? Answer: A)The eletrons that are used when predicting how another atom will bond with another atom involves the outter valance of electrons. B)Atoms must have equal numbers of protons and electrons.The atomic number is the number located in the upper left corner. 2.Which combinations of elements in the periodic table are most likely to form covalent bonds/covalent compounds. Answer: Non-metals are most likely to form covalent bonds with other non-metals. 3.Explain how electronegativity values can be used to determine whether atoms in a bond pair are non-polar or polar. Answer: Electronegativity values can be determined whether the atoms are non-polar and polar by determining the difference (subtracting) of electronegativity between the elements. When the electronegativity difference is 0.0 - 0.4 the electrons are considered to share equally in a non-polar covalent bond. For example. Cl- Cl bond ( 3.16 -3.16= 0 ) As this number increases the shared electrons are attached more strongly to the electronegative atom which increases the polarity. When the electronegativity is greater than 0.5 - 1.8, the elements is polar. For example. N2-H4 (3.04-2.02 = 0.84) it is then considered a polar covalent bond. Any further increase of in the electronegativity difference ( 1.8 - 3.3) and the bond would then result in electrons transferred from one atom to the other, an ionic bond. 4.How is the number of each type of atom represented when writing the name of a covalent bond. Answer: All covalent compounds have two word

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