Country Life and City Life

1007 Words5 Pages
City life and country life Source: Everything in this world has its plus points and minus points, its merits and demerits, its advantages and disadvantages. Nothing is perfect, nothing gives complete satisfaction. This is true to life in country and city. Whatever we find in villages is not available to the people living in cities and in the same way what privileges the people of city enjoy are distant dreams for the villagers. Life in cities is quite different from the life in villages. The villagers enjoy fresh air, scenic beauty, a life free from hassle and tension but much more remains to be fulfilled. The people in cities have all the amenities of life available to them; they have to pay heavy price for them. The first major problem in Delhi is the problem of housing. A middle class family of four or five members has to accommodate in a box like room in slums. Many underprivileged persons became permanent slum dwellers with no place to call their own. They cannot afford roof above their heads. We do not have to face any such problems in villages. People have sufficient space to live in with proper source of light and sun shine in their houses which is rare for a middle class and lower middle class people in cities. Pollution is a big challenge in cities. There are environmental pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc. in cities while the villagers get fresh vegetables, fresh water, pure milk and fresh air which are good for health and fitness. Again, the villages are free from din and dust, noise and clamor and smoke and heat of cities. A village is very close to nature. Life in villages is laidback and calm. There is no tension or pressure for anything. People have time to meet and greet to each other. Social bonds are stronger in villages. People are
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