Country Case Study- Senegal

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Country Case Study “Senegal is a country located on the westernmost point of Africa. It takes its name from the river that runs along its northern and eastern borders, forming the frontier with Mauritania and Mali. By the early 1800s France had gained control of the region and in 1895 made Senegal part of French West Africa. In 1959 Senegal joined with French Sudan, or present-day Mali, to form the Mali Federation which became independent in 1960” (Senegal Society and Complete Report). Due to internal political difficulties, the Federation broke up a few months later, and Senegal and Mali proclaimed independence. Senegal remains one of the most stable democracies in Africa. It has an established multi-party system and a tradition of civilian rule. “The 40-year rule of Senegal's Socialist Party came to a peaceful end with elections in 2000, which were hailed as a rare democratic power transfer on a continent plagued by coups, conflict and election fraud. The country has one of the region's more stable economies, although the agriculture-based economy is highly vulnerable to adverse weather conditions and fluctuations in world commodity prices” (The Journal of African Studies). Senegal’s nationality is known as Senegalese along with the following ethnic groups: Wolof- 43%, Fulani (Peulh) and Toucouleur- 23%, Serer- 15%; along with the remaining Diola, Mandingo, and Soninke. As of 2011, the population has an estimated 12.6 million residents, with an annual population growth rate of 2.5% (The World Fact Book- CIA). “Structural changes within the economy of Senegal have fluctuated dramatically throughout the century. It has been assumed for many years that political economic development in Africa were initiated during the colonial period and gained momentum as areas of the continent progressively moved towards independence. Yet, a significant amount of literature
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