Counselling in India

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COUNSELLING IN INDIA Dr.K.R.Santhosh, Ph.D. HOD, Dept. of Psychology LISSAH According to Rao (1981), counselling is not a novel institution in Indian context. In his opinion, Bhagavat Gita presents the first counsellor, Lord Krishna, and it provides counselling for all the ages and all the times. However, this idea can be questioned because in the process of counselling, theoretically, it is the counselee who will talk more and not the counsellor. In the case of Gita, Krishna gives advices to Arjuna (or for all ages and all the times). Arjuna is merely a listener. However, these advices (or guidances) had the power to bring changes in the views of Arjuna. It could also bring changes in Arjuna’s behavior. Therefore, we can say that the advice given by Krishna in Gita contained the power that could bring the effect of counselling. In ancient India, the system of education existed in the form of Gurukula (Rao, 1981). During those times, pupil had the choice or freedom to seek his own Guru or teacher (Rao, 1981). It has to be noted that all those who liked to learn did not get the opportunity for it during those days. Even in Mahabharatha, evidences of racial discriminations in the case of acquiring education can be seen. Thus, realization of knowledge from Gurukula system was limited in a privileged class. One cannot imagine that all the Indians equally shared liberty and equality during those days. However, these traditional aspects present ideas and constructs that are rich in possibilities for application in Indian cultural setting. Therefore, the fact that psychological thought is not new to India, is true. Counselling needs in the Indian context emerged against the background of tremendous social change. In addition, the last ten years of economic reform have enhanced the pace of these changes and further transformed life styles. Counselling services are
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