Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

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| Plastic Surgery | | | Maria GarzonProfessor, LuseENC 1102 | 3/28/2013 | Background and Thesis Plastic surgery has two branches, cosmetic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is concerned with improving the aesthetic appearance of a person, while plastic surgery is concerned with improving function; however, it may also involve trying to approximate normal appearance, but that is not its primary function. the most common cosmetic surgeries: Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) - the abdomen is reshaped and firmed. During this surgical procedure excess skin and fact is removed from the middle and lower abdomen. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) - the eyelids are reshaped, or a permanent eyeliner is applied. Breast enlargement (breast augmentation) - the breasts are enlarged. This is one of the most common procedures in cosmetic surgery. This is done either with fat grafting, or with saline or silicone gel prosthetics. Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct functional impairments caused by burns; traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks; congenital abnormalities, such as cleft palates or cleft lips; developmental abnormalities; infection and disease; and cancer or tumors. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it may be done to approximate a normal appearance. ( Fundukian, Laurie J. print article). There is two types of surgery there one is perform to correct functional impairments, which I don’t have nothing against. What I am against is the other one (Cosmetic surgery) is unnecessary. It seem now days people are only looking for a nice physical appearance and they forget about the emotional appearance. I like to see what is inside humans not what is outside. Is very das what is happening with society in my personal perspective. . Opposition Millions of

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