Cause Of Corruption In Sports

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Corruption in Sports We always have been heard of Corruption in news, magazines, and books. When we heard corruption, the first group that comes to in our mind is policies. However, Sports have corruption and there are a lot of problems and issues regarding Sports society. There are a lot of causes why corruption have been existed in sports and also, there are solutions that clean it up in sports society. First of all, we have to know what corruption is. Corruption is a term that is wide and varied in its definition. In its simplest form, corruption has been defined as dishonest and illegal behavior and as the misuse of authority for personal, subunit and organizational gain. Similarly, Treisman defines it as the misuse of public office…show more content…
It is rules, regulations and their transparency and consistency. The conduct of economic and business affairs like engaging in a sporting event such as a football match, requires observance of certain “rules of the game” for activates to proceed in an orderly fashion. Rules and regulations are required to maintain a sense of fair play; to prevent disastrous conflicts; keep greed, predatory and other unsavory human instincts in check; minimize socially undesirable consequences; and generally to ensure that players and referees abide by certain accepted standers of moral conduct and good behavior. Naturally, for rules to be properly observe, they must be transparent, that is, must be set out Cleary and made known in advance to all concerned, so that they can be understood and obeyed by participants in the game. The game cannot proceed in an orderly way if players are uncertain about what constitutes a foul for which they will be penalized, or the referee is not sure when to blow the whistle. Aside from being clear, rules must also be applied in an impartial manner with respect to all players and must be consistent and not be subject to frequent and arbitrary changes. Obviously, the game will become unplayable and players will pack up and leave, if rules keep changing as the game proceeds and the referee keeps blowing his whistle whenever he feels like…show more content…
It leads athletes to take drugs that improve their ability in order to win the game. The use of performance enhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to as ‘doping’. The uses of these drugs are mostly done to improve athletic improvement and ultimately achieve top performance. Categorizing doping as a form of corruption is not a widespread view. Whilst Hughes and Coakley suggest that corruptive behavior or positive deviance in sport occurs when individuals want to be viewed as athletes by the peers and wider society, hence the use of PEDs may be a means to achieving this. However, Maening fails to recognize doping as a form of corruption as he opines that corrupt activity is a failure to perform whereas the use of PEDs leads to outperformance as an athlete. Ultimately, it is an issue of contention to many organizations seeking to prevent the corruption of the image and heritage of sport. What is the solution to get rid of corruption in sports? Desire to win is one that is still crucial to athletes and to organizations and the measures that both of these groups take to keep corruption out of their sports shows the regard in which the morals of Coubertin are still held. More and more athletes come out in support of Anti-Doping organizations, such as British Olympian, Chris Hoy. Coubertin should be proud of such men and

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