Corporal Punishment – More Hurt Than Help!

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Corporal Punishment – More Hurt Than Help! These days, it seems that there are many parents are still in favour of using physical punishment to discipline their children. This raises a controversial question of whether if this teaching method is really good or not. There are several reasons for maintaining corporal punishment. To begin with, it is for the better of their children’s future, it is important to teach them discipline from their early childhood by using appropriate methods including physical punishment. This drives from the fact that it is too difficult for parents now and then to manage their small children. In situations that traditional methods such as persuading, explaining or even screaming are helpless, this method seems to be the final one. Secondly, this method of teaching is quick and effective in adjusting a child’s behaviour at a time. For instance, it can be useful to spank a three year old child to stop him from screaming unnecessarily. Finally, those painful memories can make deep impression in their child’s minds. It deters them from repeating the same mistakes in future. Therefore, it will help them to learn the rights from the wrongs in a better manner if corporal punishment is used appropriately and selectively depending upon certain circumstances. Nevertheless, this method has some drawbacks. Discipline is used just as a shield for frequent spanking children, it may cause consequences. Some parents may lose control and can injure children. More dangerously, they even find it as an easy way to release their stress. Overtime, it will lead to more physical and emotional damage to their children and further spoil the bond between child and parents. This method should only be used when necessary. For instance, it is not possible to beat a sixteen year old who came home late from school as compared to spanking a screaming three year

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