Core Values Essay

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Core Values and Personal Code of Ethics After several days of thinking and going through a huge amount of websites and articles on the Internet, I found that to answer what my personal values and code of ethics is, will be much more difficult that I have ever imagined. Actually to be honest I have never thought about that before. That is why it took me quite a long time to find out what do I really believe in; how do I live and act in certain situations. In this essay I would like to share my own opinions and thoughts about my personal values the ones I truly believe in; code of ethics and ethical dilemmas that I coped with. First thing I would like to mention is that each of us is by nature different from every other one in many ways. Each of us has different opinions and beliefs. I think that it does not matter if you are an criminal or an ordinary guy; if you are a child or an adult; even if you believe in God or not. All of us believe in something. Our acts and behaviour talk for ourselves. Even what one can consider to be right, another person could consider it to be wrong. This is caused because our personal or so-called core values differ significantly. Really important step in this essay was for me to identify what my core values are. It was important because they helped me realize who I am and what I stand for. In fact, everything what I do throughout the day is dictated by my personal values. Every little step and decision is based on what I believe is right and moral. Out of hundreds various values I chose just the few most important ones for me to describe. To those most definitely belong: family, love, integrity, wealth and hapiness. I am trying to stick to all of these in as many situations as possible. Probably the majority of people would put family as the most important thing in their life. I am not an exception. Our parents are people, who

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