Convicts In Australia Essay

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History Essay Intro In the late 18th century Britain had way too many convicts for the prisons. The prisons were already overcrowded because of the laws. Many people started to commit crimes because they have nothing which means they had nothing to lose. They decided to find a place to send these convicts to and came to a conclusion that Australia would be a good place for a settlement. They chose Australia because they can send their convicts there as there is no more space for any more convicts in Britain. Also there were natural resources and minerals in Australia Britain wanted. Many British people moved to Australia because they did not want to live in a land of over population, poverty and hunger. There was also the discovery of gold…show more content…
This is because the British settlement brought diseases such as chicken pox, small pox, influenza and measles. These diseases spread quickly so the aboriginal got infected by the diseases and their immune systems couldn’t fight the disease fast enough so they passed away. There were also fights against the British because of many reasons. The British also brought alcohol to Australia which affected the immune system on the aboriginals because they introduced the alcohol to the aboriginals to try some which didn’t turn out so well. They also brought in livestock which is cattle such as sheep’s, cows and etc. This interfered with the way the aboriginals lived. The British colonisers were welcomed to live in Australia with the aboriginals but as the brought more and more things into Australia, they became very unwelcomed. Conclusion As outlined in this essay, the Britain had decided to colonize in Australia in 1788 for many different reasons. There were many severe impacts on aboriginals which changed their ways of life in many different ways. Many aboriginals experienced hardships because of the British colonisation. Many aboriginal people died because of the British Settling in
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