Contrasting Harry Potter And Edward Cullen

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Contrasting Harry Potter and Edward Cullen Jessica Heinrich English Composition Kathleen Serra July 13, 2009 Contrasting Harry Potter and Edward Cullen Harry Potter is a boy wizard, growing up without luxury or extravagance. Edward Cullen is a forever seventeen year old man with seemingly never-ending riches. The wizarding hero is only as such because of a curse placed upon him. The vampiric hero is only so due to the extreme need that a human girl places upon him. While Potter has no family to turn to, Cullen is in no short supply of domestic support. Harry Potter is destined to defeat his enemy, whereas Edward Cullen chooses to fight for what he believes is right. The love story of each character is dramatically different; Harry refuses to allow the girl he loves to be in harm’s way, and Edward is the actual danger to the love of his life. The differences between the literary characters Harry Potter and Edward Cullen are astronomical. Aside from the very different writing style of the authors, there are also several other reasons that these two characters contrast. The depth of their personalities is astounding, but the different facets of their lives provide ample room for dissimilarity. For these reasons, Harry Potter and Edward Cullen are vastly different literary characters. First, the personalities of the two unique characters are almost completely opposite. Harry Potter is a selfless, helpless and whiney boy that we meet when he is only eleven years old, thrust into a life that he did not choose. Edward Cullen, however, is a selfish, arrogant and apathetic man that we know no certain history of, only to be introduced to his character at the age of one hundred and seven. These very different insights into the characters provide us with a glimpse into how differently they will interact with any climax within their stories. A

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