Context and Translation

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Context and Translation • Abstract:In linguistic context is recognized as having a powerful impact on how language expressions are to be translated. It exerts great influence on the production and interpretation of language. In the entire process of translation, both the correct comprehension of the source text and appropriate expression in target language depend on specific context and the negligence context may lead to misunderstanding and mistranslating. Taking this as its central argument, this article focuses on five factors we should pay attention to on translation and the importance of context in translation. • Key words: context; translation; verbal; time; place; originator; receiver • Introduction People have been translating since the earliest contact cultures, but aside from aphoristic statement, study on the nature of translation has received little attention until modern times. With the development of semiotics, linguistics and psychology, people have come to realize that as long as individuals communicate with one another through the translation of someone else, translators do something more complex and more interesting than simply substitute their own words, one by one, for original. No context, no text. The generation of text as well as its interpretation hinges greatly on context. Translation is an activity that replaces a text in the SL with an equivalent in the TL, and it involves two stages:that of comprehension of the SLT and that of its reproduction with an equivalent TLT. Since translation is such a communicative activity, context is not to be disregarded. In this article, we will try to have a brief discussion of the factors that we should pay attention to in translation concerning the context. • Body • Chapter 1 Definition of Context Context, as the term suggests, refers to all the different situations
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