Consumer Protection Essay

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NAME: Chimadike Chimaraoke Anderson MATRIC NO: 119085078 COURSE TITLE: Consumer Psychology and management in Organizations COURSE CODE: MMP 821 TOPIC: The role of consumer protection agencies and the judiciary on consumer protection LECTURER: Dr Ayenibiowo THE ROLE OF CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCIES AND THE JUDICIARY ON CONSUMER PROTECTION. The enforcement of consumer rights is a serious problem in Nigeria. Consumers are often reluctant to enforce their rights for a variety of reasons, including ignorance of their rights, poverty, and the judiciary's rigid adherence to strict legal rules that make it very difficult for consumers to prevail. When a consumer alleges that the defects in a particular product are the result of negligence, for example, the consumer must prove the acts or omissions in the production process that constitute negligence. The issue is complicated by the defence of "foolproof system of production," which has become rather popular with manufacturers. The practice adopted by manufacturers is to demonstrate an impeccable system of production with a view to convincing the court that such a system is incapable of admitting any defect as alleged by the consumer. Decided cases show judicial inclination to accept such "foolproof system" as a defence. (See, e.g. Boardman v Guinness (Nig) Ltd. (1980) NCLR 109 at 126; Okonkwo v. Guinness (Nig.) Ltd. [1980] NCLR at 130; Ebelamu v. Guiness (Nig.) Ltd. FCA/101/82) Given this scenario, the establishment of State Consumer Protection Committees is seen by consumer activists as a development that has the potential to engender interest in the enforcement of consumer rights. The Consumer Protection Council Act provides for the establishment of a Council at the federal level and a State Committee in each state of the Federation. The Consumer Protection Council is
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