Consumer Exploitation Essay

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Consumer Exploitation In a capitalist society, the consumer should be king. Even so, there are plenty of ways that companies rip consumers off and treat them poorly. No matter what types of products you buy, you need to be on the lookout for consumer exploitation. Some types of exploitation are small and somewhat insignificant, but other types of exploitation can be quite costly. There are several forms of exploitation. Such as underweight and under measures, high prices, substandard quality, adulteration of goods duplicate articles, rough behavior and undue conditions, lack of safety devices and poor or inadequate after sales service. And high prices, as well as the substandard quality always appear when a customer goes on shopping. The first and the most common type are the “high prices”. When we are talking about high prices, it is impossible to say whether a price is high or low until you know the costs of providing the product or service, but it is obviously dead say for a company to charge $100 for something which has $50 of total costs in it, for example, after labour costs, fair pay to owners for their work, and all other costs, to charge more than has been earned by all who contributed to the product or service, and this occur most when we are in shopping. And one famous example is Hollister. Hong Kong’s all abuzz with the number of new American clothes stores flooding our fragrant harbour and now there’s a famous one in the list – Hollister, which has opened its first Asian branch on Festival Walk. And Hollister is quite famous in Hong Kong, and nowadays, we can see a increasing trend that more and more people are wearing Hollister on the street and hang around. But whys that, is it because of those hot models attract those customers, or customers really find that it is worth to shop in the Hollister. Actually, Hollister is exercising a
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