Consolidating Reflective Practice

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COSOLIDATING: REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. INTRODUCTION: In this reflective essay, the writer intends to explain the concepts of reflection. Analyse and critically reflect on his professional development throughout the branch pathway during his training placement programme. Among the module undertaken are perspective of mental health, therapeutic use of self, patient focus, restoring mental health, supervision and management of care. With the use of Gibbs and John’s reflective model, the writer will critically examine acquisition of clinical knowledge and skills. The role of ethics in his professional development will also be explored The writer hopes to examine the strength and weakness of his practice and form conclusion and made recommendations for improving his professional development. He will examine critically inter professional collaboration in his current caring context and form conclusions and recommendation for improvement. Reference will be drawn from literatures to support the arguments and discussion, evidence based research will be used to support the views expressed. Reid (1993) defined reflection as a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice. Read (1993), adds that reflective practice is potentially both a way of learning and a mode of survival and development once formal education ceases. Page and Meerabeau, (2000) described two fundamental forms of reflection: reflection-in-action, and reflection- on- action. Understanding the differences between these forms of reflection is important. It will assist practitioners in discovering a range of techniques they can use to develop their personal and professional competences. Reflection-on-action is perhaps the most common form of reflection. It involves carefully rerunning in your mind
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