An illegal immigrant is any person who enters the United States illegally, or any person who enters legally and stays past the time legally allowed. There are many arguments that support allowing illegal immigrants into America. Illegal immigrants are essential to the American economy, they contribute more to the government than they receive in benefits, and current” i policies are discriminatory. 10.) “No, they shouldn't be allowed in the U.S. WHY?
But the problem is that illegal immigrants are already taking the jobs of citizens. The benefit of giving these illegal immigrants amnesty is that since they are already working in the United States, there would be a tax increase by being able to receive income tax from them. By taxing them they will help pay for social security, and other government funds that will help the unemployed people find jobs and survive. Many illegal immigrants take jobs on farms and places that U.S. citizens don’t want to work, they do plenty of jobs that Americans wouldn’t want to do. So affecting the number of jobs in the United States is definitely a factor but it is not as significant as people think it is.
I would support the Dream Act, At least it gives the minors a chance to make it right and follow the law and get on the right path of following legalization here in the U.S. If we don’t give them a path to citizenship we will be dealing with a bigger issue of employers still hiring illegal immigrants and we will have more immigrants not paying taxes and will exploit the system. They come to the U.S. for a better life than their country could provide. So why are we making it impossible for their children to go in
They believe in having diversity and difference in heritage within our nation. The Obama administration is dedicated in securing our boarders to reduce the amount of drugs coming in and out of our nation. Businesses should be responsible without hiring undocumented workers. Illegal immigrants need to acknowledge that they have broken the law, pay taxes, and learn the English language. They believe these steps are necessary for them to become a citizen.
Everyone should have a chance to look for a better life without been treat like a criminal. Illegal immigrants shouldn’t be reported instead they should be legalized. Illegal immigrants come to this country for safety because in their country they live scare that they can get kill and they also want a better life like making their dreams come true and buy things that they never have before. There are many immigrants in this country, but it also helps the economy of this country. Safety is what many people look for and if in their country they can’t find it they have to go out of their country and find it.
There are many reasons why we should support immigration reform such as: immigration is good for the economy, immigrants already pay taxes, everyone deserves equal rights, it strengthens families, and it can stop racial profiling. Many of us can say we are children of immigrants. Either our great grandparents, grandparents, or even parents came to America for a better life. Today, we find that immigration is not seen as a positive for our country, but rather it is unquestionably considered
America Is Stupidly Shutting Out Immigrants. Isn’t It? By Katie Baker | NEWSWEEK Published Apr 18, 2009 From the magazine issue dated Apr 27, 2009 Bottom of Form Ever since 9/11, the general perception has been that America is over-building walls—both real and regulatory—to keep out immigrants. Horror stories about Indian engineers getting strip-searched as suspected terrorists provoked business leaders like Bill Gates to argue that the U.S. is scaring away talent, to its own disadvantage. Now the storyline has shifted, to focus on immigrants who are voluntarily leaving or avoiding America because the global financial crisis has tarnished its reputation as a land of growth and opportunity.
The editor then calls President Bush, “the master of botched federal initiative,” for simply trying to enforce a solution to stop illegal immigration (1). This ghastly remark by the editor of “Border Insecurity” is exposed for its faulty political derivatives in an editorial published by the Dallas Morning News, “Democrats Don’t Impress: Debate Reveals Weakness on Immigration”. Recently, former Senator John Edwards and Senator Barack Obama, chastised President Bush’s immigration reform for, “dividing the nation along racial lines and promoting an anti-immigrant sentiment” (1). This is the best answer the political party who claims to be so altruistic for the poor, the environment, and the country as a whole has to give. Genuinely, a political party who offers no real solutions to a significant issue of concern cannot be deemed as altruistic.
If the aim of our government is to protect our schools, then why not post an armed serviceman at ever school. That would solve the problem of not having work for returning veterans. If we, as a people, want to continue to be free than we must protect our right to bear arms. Guns are what won our country its independence, and it is not time to turn away from what got us to where we are today. Crime cannot be totally eradicated, and tragedies will happen whether the murderer is wielding an AK47, a knife, a baseball bat, or just a simple crock pot.
S.–Mexico Border,” they make it clear that the U.S. treats Mexican immigrants unfair and deserves more dignity and respect that the government tries to force on to Mexican immigrants. Immigrants die trying to survive. The U.S. should not add more stress on to people’s life who’s trying to provide for their family. Immigrants deserve the same rights as a U.S. citizen and should be viewed equally. Immigrants that are trying to provide for their family and live freely as an U.S. citizen are not to be a threat or a burden on the U.S.