Congress Rhetorical Analysis

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Michael Trigo Words Current event #2 You can imagine the burden the leader of the natural free world has, as well as the overwhelming stressful. With the growing dissatisfaction for congress it seems this burden has been expanded. According to What’s wrong with our government there are many flaws in our legislature, creating indifferences concerning recent progressions. With the over flows of opinions a strong rush of beliefs flooded politics leaving a growing group displeased citizens, like never seen before. The spread of this displeasure much like a plague is toxic in our nation’s growth thus creating another bump in American history and progression.…show more content…
The true power of the government lies within the people. However, with a bias for of media and the 1st amendment being over excreted some many opinions have formed around the basis. This bias is clearly see in the first paragraph of the article as it clearly states that each news channel has an underlined opinion and their political reports have their viewers leaning to the point they want them to know without giving a truly third person or neutral report. While reading this article, I began to wonder/became curious about/got interested in the Regan tax cut. To learn more, I searched the web to find out as much as I could about its relevance to the article. I was surprised to learn that that such a no progressive and critically hurtful bill towards the economy could have lasted for so long. In fact, “to encourage economic growth through reductions in individual income tax rates, the expensing of depreciable property, incentives for small businesses, and incentives for savings, and for other purposes” was the main goal of Regan’s plan. However since then the government had been set into a deficit that was not seen since the
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