Conformity and Compliance Assignment

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Conformity and Compliance Assignment Conformity and Compliance Assignment Conformity means bring one's behavior into agreement or harmony with norms or with the behavior of others in a group in the absence of any direct pressure (Dennis Coon & John, 2010). In the Zimbardo’s prison study, every “prisoner” was issued a uniform-dress without any underclothes; on each prisoner’s right ankle was a heavy chain, in the meantime, everyone’s hair would be shaved off, The process of having one's head shaved, which takes place in most prisons as well as in the military, is designed in part to minimize each person's individuality, since some people express their individuality through hair style or length. It is also a way of getting people to begin complying with the arbitrary, coercive rules of the institution (Dennis Coon & John, 2010). So, once you were sent to jail, you will lose your personality, and then conform to norms. In society, there is no doubt that we are all conform to a degree. For instance, in the highway, we need to obey the traffic rules, when it comes to income, we need pay amount of money for country. Prejudice is a negative emotional attitude held against members of a particular group of people (Dennis Coon & John, 2010), it occurs very regular. There is an example, if someone is walking in a secluded area in the night, and a group of senior citizens who are walking with canes in hand, come from the opposite side, the person will not feel threatened. However, if instead of senior citizens, three teenagers dressed in jeans and t-shirts with lots of metal chains around their neck are approaching from the other side, the person might feel threatened a bit, even without any kind of provocation from their end (Aastha Dogra, 2011). Stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people (Saul McLeod,

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