Conflicts Between Banu Hashim And Banu Ummaya

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There were many conflicts between Banu Ummaya and Banu Hashim in the city of Mecca which was without a government as well as a ruler but it was consisted of twelve tribes one of which included Banu Hashim. There was tribal jealousy from Banu Umayya toward Banu Hashim The conflict between the two tribes was because they wanted to gain control of Mecca because of many reasons, one of which included its strategic location because of it being the center of trade and all the trade routes passed through Mecca. Banu Ummaya were not muslims and were not planning to converting to Islam because of many reasons one of which was that because they were not going to be rulers because according to Islam there would only be on ruler or caliph for the state which would be prophet Mohamed who is from Banu Hashim. Banu Umaya did not want to be forced to believe in one god, which was against their beliefs, and they also feared that the prophet would take advantage of the wealth that came in and out of Mecca, along gaining control of the trade routes. The affiliation that would occur due to Islam is against Banu Ummaya’s believes because Islam united people under one God. Moreover, because of Banu Ummaya people in Mecca started hating Prophet Mohamed and it caused the hostility and disagreement to grow. The hatred towards the prophet and other muslims made them immigrate to Medina and become their leader. According to tradition, the Umayyad family and Muhammad who is from Banu Hashim both descended from a common ancestor Abd Manaf. The propher descended from Abd Manāf via his son Hashim, while the Umayyads descended from Abd Manaf via a different son, Abd-Shams, whose son was Umayya. The two families are therefore considered to be different tribes but were both from the tribe of Quraysh. While Banu Umayyad and Banu Hashim have had resentment between them before Muhammad,

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