Conflict Management Plan

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Conflict Management Plan 1. Identify the available conflict management strategies and their strengths and weaknesses. Strategy | Strengths | Weaknesses | Avoidance | Trivial problems can be solved quickly | There may be bigger problems | Competition | Can get the problem solved quickly | Can create more conflict | Accommodation | Can help the manager see the root of the problem | Issues may be more important to the team members than they are to the management | Collaboration | Aims for a win-win outcome | Win-Win outcomes are not always possible | Compromise | Everyone’s feelings are being addressed | Someone may not be willing to give up their idea | 2. Which of the available conflict management strategies is most appropriate for the current situation with Clyde and Dan? Provide your rationale, including what factors you considered in making your selection. Your response should be at least 100 words. I think the most appropriate conflict management strategy for the current situation with Clyde and Dan would be accommodation. I think this would be best because I think there is a bigger cause for the problem than meets the eye. Perhaps the two are fighting about something else, and this is just a problem one has created in his own mind. Perhaps David overheard James saying something he did not agree with, and this is his way of dealing with it, or creating a problem so he can get his anger or frustration out. Either way, I think the issue should be examined closer and discussed. 3. If the selected strategy is not successful, what is your alternate strategy? Provide your rationale for this selection. Your response should be at least 100 words. My alternate strategy would be avoidance. I chose this because the problem does seem trivial, and there is a chance that it could work itself it out,

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