Conflict Is an Ever Present and Ongoing Aspect of People's Lives

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Conflict is an ever present and ongoing aspect of people’s lives. Whenever there is human activity, there are always conflicts involved. It is never something that ends and is an inevitable part if human life. It is not an unusual thing to struggle knowing how diverse human beings can be. It can happen for many reasons. Generally, people carry a notion of “me” which separates themselves from others. In reality, they are all inter-related. They believe that their views are “different” to others and cannot be mixed up. While the sense of separation can instigate conflicts, these can also be caused by materialistic desires that sit deep inside human beings. More powerful people often create barriers not to disadvantage themselves but because these involve the sacrifice of others’ needs and desires for material possessions. Thus, conflicts become inevitable. As soon as demands are not satisfied, clashes are bound to happen. Hence, considering the “diverse” nature and needs of humans, conflicts become an inevitable and continuing aspect of people’s lives. Conflicts arise when people view each other as unrelated and separate. It is a general and natural mindset to develop the notion that “I am I and you are you.” It means that human beings often see themselves as independent and separate from others. Furthermore, there is belief that their interpretation and point of view cannot be the same as others and their belongings cannot be owned by anyone other than themselves. This consequently results in clashes with others automatically put more emphasis on harm and threats which have affected them. Julius Caesar pointed out that, “People only see what they want to see.” Conflict is also due to human ignorance of being unable to know how closely related humans can be. This evident in the friction between North and South Korea. There is only one ethnic
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