While perpetrators of bullying may feel justified in their actions, Article 1 aims to focus more on the interpersonal conflicts that perpetrators face in relation to the situation they find themselves in. The study aims to focus on bridging the gap between individual and situational factors that may encourage an individual to act as a perpetrator, seeing how stressful work environments have long been assumed to create conditions that eventually lead to the bullying within the workforce (Hauge et al., 2009). There are not many studies from the perpetrator’s point of view, simply due to individuals underreporting their behavior, but analyzing a situational dilemma that results in deviant behavior (i.e. bullying) offers insights on what triggers a perpetrator to finally snap. Comparison of Population Each of the three articles depended on self-reported questionnaires in order to understand the phenomenon of workplace
It was evident by this, that after growing from smaller conflict, people become further equipped to deal with more serious conflicts. Experiences with conflict can also lead people to distress and despair. This is often the case when the nature of the conflict is too severe for one to sensibly deal with, or either party simply won’t let up. These are instances where grudges are held, and people remain enemies, unwilling to forgive each other, generating more distress than the initial brutality of the
/ When you durst do it, then you were a man” (1.7.47-49).. She defines manhood as stark aggression to achieve power in any means necessary such as killing Duncan. Macbeth, had compassion for Duncan but due to fear of being demasculinized if he did not act on his ambition results in his submission into temptation. As said from a female, it makes the reverse psychology from Lady Macbeth even more potent due to the preservation of gender roles. As one progresses through the story, Macbeth becomes more emotionally numb and tyrannical, for he then kills Banquo for fear of his intelligence on the murder of King Duncan. Then he kills Macduff’s family out of anger.
Kings are higher on the chain that an everyday common man so when a common man kills a king the chain falls apart as turmoil infests nature. It all starts with Macbeth and her overwhelming aspirations to become queen. She calls upon the spirits to: “…unsex me…make thick my blood, stop up th’ access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visiting of nature…” With that very quote you see turmoil starting to brew because by nature women are caring and filled with emotion. Here she is asking the spirits to “unsex” her, to make her more like a man so she is unable to care about the evil plan to convince her husband to kill King Duncan. You can tell that in the beginning Macbeth never wanted to kill Duncan; in act I witches come about and tell a prophesy that Macbeth will rule over Scotland, which puts the thought of killing Duncan in his head.
The points that will be argued are, that Lady Macbeth played a large role in the murder of King Duncan, The three witches planted the idea in Macbeth’s head, and that the murder of King Duncan was all Macbeths doing. In many ways, Lady Macbeth drives Macbeth to the murder and acts as more of a physical spur, as opposed to the witches who use a mental approach. She bullies him, uses emotional blackmail and knows he is morally sensitive so he must be pushed. She mocks his bravery and knows he is a warrior and will be insulted. When Macbeth is thinking about not going ahead with the plan she says, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; and, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man”.
Although, Macbeth takes the dagger and kills King Duncan, Lady Macbeth was the one who planned to kill him that night and frame his guards. I believe that Lady Macbeth played a huge part in the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth was ambitious about becoming King, yet, at moments he felt uneasy about the idea of murdering Duncan. Lady Macbeth convinced him otherwise challenging his manhood and planning the murder to the finer details. Lady Macbeth went to great measures to make sure Duncan was killed; she even called upon the evil spirits to aid her.
To begin, Macbeth is viewed as a brave and fearless man with very good military standing he is also viewed as a good leader. Macbeth is a good man at this point in the play but due to some prophecies that are made by, some crazy witches; he starts to betray his closest friends. Macbeth begins to plot against King Duncan, the man who just named him Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth realizes the costliness of killing the king and how his actions may damn him forever. Macbeth tells his wife, Lady Macbeth, That he cannot go through with it and she begins to question him, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man” (Shakespeare I.VII.
Macbeth first takes this in a joking manner, but soon begins to take it very seriously. When he came home to his wife, he shared the witches’ prediction with her and she encourages Macbeth to quicken the process by murdering the current king, King Duncan. After murdering the king, Macbeth soon finds himself needing to kill many more in order to keep his secret. His kingship comes into jeopardy when he hears of someone named Macduff who is foretold to have the power to defeat him. Macbeth hears some juxtapose news that gives him a reckless attitude.
As the play goes on Macbeth becomes greedy after the mysterious visit of the three witches telling him he will become king. Macbeth becomes the bad guy in this situation when bad thoughts of murder came to mind and started to overcome the good in him. Murder was his intention and for that he killed fellow men who once where in close relation to him and his wife. “I have done the deed.” (Macbeth 2.2) The reason for Macbeth to even believe in himself that he could get away with this is because he was so trustworthy in the beginning by being the good guy and helping out the townspeople rather than being the one to make them need help. Good may be evil hidden so well that there would be no determination if they were actually really good.
She is annoying Macbeth until he gives in and commits the murder. Shakespeare is writing his play as the Witches being the tormentors and the evil ones thinking of the king special in mind. This is because the king and people in those times believed that witches causes every bad thing. The king also believes that the witches also killed his mother and his father. Also because of making witches being the evil people in the play he would get more funding for his theatre.