Concept Store Essay

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Introduction A concept store is a small shop that specializes in selling items which are elite and fashionable. The products offered at these stores target a particular group of people; the products sold do not usually target general groups of people. It targets to appeal people who have an interest in high fashion. The items sold are mainly clothing and items that designers with popular brands offer. The fashion industry derived the term concept store from the French word ‘shop’ and it has it since the 1960’s. During this time, London was the central place where most of the shopping trade took place. It was only until the 1990’ s that the shops developed the concept of targeting only a specific group of people and this concept has been ongoing up to date (Murray, 2012). Positioning and Market Relevance of the Concept Stores I.What is the target market? Target market refers to the group of people that the company is interested in meeting their needs through their merchandise or the services they are providing. Concept stores provide goods and services with an aim of satisfying the needs of the identified group for consumer satisfaction (Ward 2012). II.Importance of the Targeting Theory Having a target groups helps in identifying then needs of consumers and, therefore, addressing them. It makes conceptualizing the idea of the market mix achievable. This aids in the promotion of the product, pricing it and it defines where it should be distributed. This is a cost effective strategy with the aim of minimizing operational costs. This also helps in defining the market and their needs which is crucial in goal setting for any small business (Ward, 2012). III.What do concept stores target in General? The concept stores target a particular group of people in the society who have an interest in high and urban fashion. These people value class and have a high sense of
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