Concept of Equality

1681 Words7 Pages
[pic] |Unit 2: Concept of Equality, Diversity and Rights in | |Health and Social Care | |Concept of Equality, Discrimination and | |Anti-Discrimination Practices | |Sanaa Jan Mohammed | [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] Content 1. Introduction Pg 3 2. Equality Pg 4 3. Care Value Base Pg 6 4. Diversity Pg 7 5. Individual Rights Pg 10 6. Understanding the Principles of Care Pg 12 7. Bibliography Pg 13 Introduction In this assignment I have explored the importance of equality, diversity and individual rights within the health sector. I have also gained essential knowledge and understanding of how we give and receive care in health care setting. I also have clear understanding on the concepts of equality and diversity in society. Through this assignment i have a clear view of individual rights and discriminatory practices in health and social care. The Concept of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care. Equality Can be describe as breaking down barriers, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunity and access for all groups both in society as well as employment. The care value base is arranged of standards for health and social care. They are also base on ideas about human rights; these rights are
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