Computer Hardware Servicing

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Part Oi~te. Questions to Identify the Specific Circumstances of the Company 1. In your company, what changes have occurred in the use of maxi±~am computers during the past 2-3, or perhaps 5 years? a. Have there been significant additions or removals to the stock of mainframe computers in use? ) b. Have there been significant increases or decreases in the use of the mainfra.mne computer? c. Are these changes related to ‘(1) changes in data process rig applications that have led to the substitution of other computers for the mainframe? (2) changes in the disthbution of computing activities among different types of computers based on cost or performance considerations? (3) the role of data communications within your orga.riization inc.ludirtg different divisions or affiliates? (4) the role of data communications between your organization and customers or suppliers? d. What other factors are likely to influence mainframe equipment stocks and use?How is (his situation likely to evolve in. the next 2-3 or, perhaps, 5 years? a. Will there be significant additions or removals to the stock of mainframe computers in use? b. Will there be significant increases or decreases in the use of the maimframe computer? c. Will these changes be related to (1) changes in da~processingapplications that wffl lead to the substitution of other computers for the mainframe? (2) changes in the distribution of computing activities among different types of computers that will be based on cost or performance considerations? (3) the role of data communications within your organization including different divisions or affiliates? (4) the role of data communications between your organization and customers or suppliers? d. What other factors will influence mainframe equipment stocks and use? 3. How are dataprocessing activities managed in your organisation? a.. Are

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