Computer Games The Worst Invention Of Modern Times.

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The increasing amount of violent games with violent prospects is hitting our society. It’s a fact not doubted by anyone that the violence in games cause violence in people and mainly in children. People say the reason is that games are too close to reality. This is true and in my opinion, games make violent actions normal for the one who plays and therefore it makes the player aggressive and brutal. And in this case the game causes violence as a consequence. Yes games are originally an entertainment. I believe that the existing games are a great source of imagination for the player and also they develop the player's creativity. I would also fairly mention that I know it was proved that computer games are more than an entertainment, they help improve the brain activities. But they help improve the brain activities just like reading or solving some math!! And after surfing the web, I found out that computer games only stimulate activity in parts of the brain associated with vision and movement. (According to Professor Ryunta Kawashima and his team at Tohoku University in Japan) It also has been found that computer games tend to damage brains of children and teenagers by abusing their developing mind. These computer games are producing a generation of children that is far more disposed to violence than any other generation. And there is a massive tendency to lose the control over oneself. People who play such violent computer games are lessening the activity of their brain development and increasing their lack of control over their reactions and also raising their violent and hostile behavior. And this is an implication for an increasing violent society. Such vicious games isolate children from the outside world. Not only for sometime as they claim but for a very long time that they wouldn’t notice how long they've been sitting not moving and just playing or in
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